Emotion For Change

According to scientists, only a decade separates us from unstoppable climate change.

A different planet, unable to secure safe life to the next generations, is behind the corner. We’re the last generation still able to act: our behaviour has created the problem, but it can solve it as well.

Starting a virtuous circle of change is as easy as biking to work or planting herbs on the balcony. It’s important to be aware that small changes in our habits can mean a lot for the health of the planet.

Together, small ants can achieve big things.


The Concert

The performance of Emotion for change uses the sound of violin, saxophone, piano, sometimes drums, percussions, flute and horn. You can find elements of experimental music or the use of natural sounds such as water or breath.

Much of the music has been composed specifically for this project by Sara Michieletto and Giorgio Schiavon, all the other pieces are reinterpretations of famous composers.

Each piece is poetically linked to a specific subject related to global warming: “Bordone 3” by Nildo Sanvido hints at the anxiety originating from the humans’ lost connection with Nature, “Amor Dormiglione” by Barbara Strozzi invites to wake up, “Formiche” by Giorgio Schiavon is about the simple actions that can mitigate the impact of global warming.

The performance as an experience


Emotion for Change is not only music: every piece is always introduced first by a tale, a gesture, a breath in the violin that tries to raise awareness and hope. Performers and scientists are invited on stage during moments of the performance to speak poetically about climate and the future scenarios of the region where the concert is taking place.

At the end of every performance local seeds are shared with the audience, as a symbolic invitation to nourish the earth rather than exploiting its resources.


Savona, Istituto Ferraris Pancaldo

May 2019


Acqui Terme (AL), per gli studenti dell’Istituto Montalcini e la Scuola Media Musicale “Bella”

March 2019


Milano, American International School

January 2019


Cervinia-Valtournenche (AO), rassegna Cammini d’Autore dedicata all’acqua

August 2018


Bologna, Teatro del Baraccano, con Dipartimento di Lingue UNIBO, per ricordare Fukushima

March 2018


Ravenna, Biblioteca Classense, con Tralenuvole, per il Comune e FAI

November 2017


Venezia, per il CNR Ismar, in occasione della Giornata degli Oceani

June 2017


Venezia, per la Venice International University

June 2017


Algeri (Algeria), su invito dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Auditorium della Radio Algerienne)

March 2017


Sarajevo (Bosnia Erzegovina), con il patrocinio e su invito dell’Ambasciata Italiana e dell’associazione Dante Alighieri

March 2016


Jakarta (Indonesia), con il patrocinio e su invito dell’Ambasciata Italiana e dell’IIC

December 2015